Vision: To be the leading federal political action committee for urologists.
Mission: To protect and advance the interests of the urologic community by helping to elect representatives and senators supportive of its priorities.
UROPAC is the political action committee sponsored by the American Association of Clinical Urologists. UROPAC represents urologists in the United States, from the small, independent clinician to large group practices and those practicing in hospitals and academic centers. Membership in UROPAC is a convenient, time efficient way for individuals to get involved in politics by participating in congressional elections. There is strength in numbers. UROPAC gives urologists a collective voice in the political process by allowing us to pool resources and support candidates who support our issues.
UROPAC unites urologists and elected officials, providing opportunities for members to engage and educate elected officials regarding issues important to our patients and practices. We contribute to candidates who support important urological issues, including medical liability reform, funding for training and research, Medicare reimbursement and regulatory reform, problems surrounding managed care and other issues that affect the profession.